Sunday 2 June 2013

Bye bye May

Bye bye Mr. May! 
My favorite month started quite sunny, but now - rain, rain everyday
The humidity kills all my curls, so to save my hair, I wear another's hair as hairpieces.

And it's time for warm black suits again... see, even the poppys cry.

black suit with ermine collar: 60s vintage, second hand shop 
umbrella: Elisabeth Dahl

The best thing in May for me - besides the upcoming sun and the taste of asparagus and rhubarb - are the Lilies of the Valley. I love them so much, their smell, their shape and all their shades of green. I decorate them in my mini headvases and let them inspire my to integrate more white, pastel green and pale pink in my everyday looks.

tights: Falke
shoes: Vagabond

Welcome Lady June!


  1. This crazy European climate, even in Italy, it seems autumn.
    I love your jacket.


  2. 'der kleine november möchte gerne vom großen mai abgeholt werden', dies war der standartspruch einer meiner arbeitskollegen zu dem vergangenen tiefgekühlten mai. fand ich recht lustig.
    das kostüm ist superchic ... toll aufgepeppt mit den pink tights.

  3. Hi, just letting you know I nominated you for a Liebster awatd :)


  4. It has being cold for this time of the year in the south of Spain too.
    You are looking magic as ever.
    Thank you so much for not forgetting me.
