Thursday, 13 December 2012


Do you think that this is a sweet little thing on my desk? No - it is not. 

It´s the most EVIL little bitch I have ever met. Her name is Ms. Katja Ebstein Barr, she is a virus and caused the Kissing Disease. Sounds funny, but it´s not, because I have to stay in bed and at home for weeks. There is no medication, so I sleep a lot and eat one pomegranate a day, to keep this evil purple little Missy away...

Before the first Advent I started my home decoration. I handcrafted an Adventwreath with some little oldschool nic nacs, I unpacked the little smoking woody church from my childhood and the glittering green bambies.

I had so much time to watch all the details of the velvety Amaryllis.

I croached a kitty as a christmas present and did some drawings.

I watch the world just from my window, see the snow falling and built a little snowman on my window sill... hope I will be with you soon.


  1. I hope you are fully recovered now.
    You have turned illness into creation, and that is what life is all about.

  2. I´m still laying down, but I try to be creative in the same time, thank you for the good wishes

  3. ehrlich gesagt finde ich die streptococce sehr niedlich ... haha, sowas habe ich noch nie gesgt. ;)
    der kleine schneeman hat ja die beste aussicht ... ich wünsche dir eine baldige genesung!

  4. so - und nun nachdem mich mein virus wieder an den computer lässt, wünsche ich dir noch fix: frohe weihnachten!
